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NJRC National Junior Robot Competition 2007 - Champion open category


The theme for the NJRC 2007 open was "Security". The students aged 13 years came up with a fire fighting robot that can spray water and fixed their robot with Holonomic Wheels to give the robot omni-directional movement. This allows the robot to go round the fire while remain facing the fire. This movement is not possible using normal wheels. With omni-directional capabilities, the robot can move in tight corners and fight fire in any direction.


The students were teamed from several schools namely Raffles Girls Secondary, Hwa Chong Institution, River Valley High and NUS High (according to the photos below) and guided by School Of Robotics.


NJRC 2007 Champion team

The Champion team receiving their trophy and medals. From left to right are Lim Min, Jiahe, Derek, Jeremy and Nicky.


NJRC Champion robot

The Champion team with their fire-fighting robot that uses omni-wheels.