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School Robotic Competition


This competition is open to both primary and secondary students to encourage robotics at a young age. This competition is one of the events in Singapore Robotic Games. It is normally organised in January. The microcontroller tobe used is either Lego RCX or NXT, however any other components may be added.


Each school is allowed a maximum of 3 teams.
Each team can have a maximum of 3 students.


Organised by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Singapore Chapter, by: Institute for Technical
Education, Robotic Games Society (Singapore),Nanyang Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore Science Centre and Temasek Polytechnic.

strive for the best.


Plegofield Used (see


This competition uses Plegofield as the official playing field. Plegofield is modular, like Lego, and can be assembled into any design. It is also much cheaper than construction using plywood. The schools can purchase them and assemble an exact replica in their own classrooms thus saving on transport and time. Being reusable for future competition with new designs, it is environmentally friendly. Unlike fixed playing fields, Plegofield can be disassembled and stored away after use.


  School Robotic Competition

Competition day with students taking turns to compete their robots on a playing field constructed using Plegofield.


SRG competition Plegofield 

Picture showing Plegofield being used and playing experience being enhanced with added obstacles. Lego pieces are also used to construct the 5 rockers as seen at the rear of the playing field.